This is Emily enjoying the big slide.

And Tate doing the same...

Hayden waiting for the hydraulic corn gun man.

I wasn't even trying to capture this, but as I was taking it, they announced the pig races, and he was pretty excited...

"Get back in the maze so I can get a picture!" "smile. stop touching each other. scoot in"

The hay ride was missing the hay.....but it was still fun. Tate is not an adventurous soul. He kept telling the driver to slow down and be more careful. It was funny and embarrassing at the same time.

Mike and Emily picking out pumpkins.

Tate waiting for the Great Pumpkin, or the guy with the utility knife to cut his pumpkin. Either one.
We went out to Syracuse to Black Island Farms. It was a great time. Next time I'll post videos of the corn guns, the pig races and what the kids liked best. The slides were pretty cool and the pigs were pretty cute. It was a good day.
Conference was great too, wasn't it? It's good to know what exactly to work on for the next bit, even if self-improvement isn't super fun. It's more fun to improve someone else, isn't it???? Just kidding. Mostly.