it's a river otter. just love the otters.

yeah, yeah, I know. Tate has super powers too

it's art, right?
Do I need pictures every time I post? If I was not me looking at my blog, I guess I would wish for pictures. Because text is boring. Also I am boring. The universe, too, at times, is boring. As are many text books. So is sunny weather. I really enjoyed last night's storm.
The end.
Text isn't always boring.
It just depends on who has the patience to pay attention.
LOL! You're not boring - I found this post very amusing :) But, pictures are nice - especially so your Canadian neighbors can spy at how your family is growing!
Bobbi-Jo G.
I think you're a great blogger! I'm a fan of pictures mixed in with ANY text I read. ;) But you guys especially because we miss you so much!
Joshy and I are headed out there on the 7th of September until the 21st.
Should be a good time, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again!!
You are not boring ever! Thanks for taking the time to let us see your family and your activities. I love them no matter how you print the pictures or write the text.
Love you.
Your posts are far from boring - The pictures are just an added bonus! ;)
I definately think you need pictures! I have seen your work in the photography department and am always excited to see more of it. Especially any work that contains those three wonderful little models that you have!
Tonya there is no way you are boring.
Art? What the heck is it?
Just wondering.
dear Mike who has not elected to publicliy share his profile:
it is the windmill in my parent's garden. Seems so sad we communicate this way. I love you madly.
Your wife.
Ah, that's what it is!
Nice art. ;)
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