My Handsome Husband. Yes, the capitals are on purpose. That's his name.

Our super-duper high quality first day of school photos. I think it might work out better if we took the first day of school photos on a different day. The important thing to notice here is that all three kids are wearing Mario shirts. Super swell!

The fam at the Bees game.

Tate and Hayden in the "rejection" seat. Haha.

Tate's chillin' on the corner. He's a Bunderson Bear now, and he's waited a long time to be one!

Emily and Tate are ready to roll. Well, Emily was walking, but you know what I mean. I didn't get any decent pictures during the parade because they were moving too fast. This was Hayden's first year as a spectator. I believe he found it very stimulating. NOT. And where were the popsicles afterwards???
Now I need a picture where I look mean. Like with flaming eyes just like I have in real life. That would be awesome.
And yes, the Bees game photo brings back memories of just how sick I was that day. That was not good.
I see what you mean about the bleed through. I am very glad that you don't have PINK!! Good luck with the pics.
Great Photos! I especially love the Mario shirts. I hope your kids are loving school this year. Hooray for the Bunderson Bears!!! They even look like Grizzlies on their shirts. My favorite.
Can I just tell you how glad I am that his name wasn't "My Handsome Husband" when we were growing up. That's kind of disturbing. (hee, hee)
Looks like fun. Your family pic is super cute! And there were popsicles. You just had to wait for them to get there, apparently. I was gathering up my kids when they showed up. A little late, I guess.
Love the pics!! They are far better then most of mine turn out! I love that they all decide to be matching for the first day of school! Way too cute or should we say handsome like their dad:)
Mike is "handsome".
Loved the pictures!
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