The kids making sugar cookies. This was our FHE activity. We decided that a ten minute lesson and scriptures wasn't cutting it. We told the kids that all their homework and chores and practicing has to be done before dinner because from after dinner until bedtime is all family night now. Emily made us a chart and we have an activity, too. So far we've made cookies, played with Emily's ello toys, and played a board game. Tate only ever wants to go bowling, so I guess that will be what we do on his turn. :)

These are the flowers that Mike got for way cheap when he went to the store Valentine's night for milk to get us through Sunday. Clearance flowers are the only flowers I like. Because they die, you know.

Yummy kisses.

This is Hayden with his "eye of Sauron" (sp?) cookie. Can you guess what he read last week?

These are the cookies of Mike and me. Note the meeples and the skull and crossbones. Not mine.