Friday, January 30, 2009

total annihilation blogging by tate

news a tiger escaped from the zoo.

written by Tate, typed by Tate

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ah, our friend tv.

So, we went to the Draper Temple open house yesterday. I guess it's just as well that I forgot the camera, because all the time we spent in line outside the temple was spent in tent tunnels. So I wouldn't have been able to get a picture of our fam outside the temple anyway. Except for the lines moving so slowly and our RED bus not coming until about six blue and green buses came first, our kids liked it. I was glad we did it, and I think the kids were glad also. But I read a on a scrapbooking blog about a 365 project where you take a picture each day and scrap them a week at a time. Well, obviously I am not up to such a project. But since we have no new photos this week, I thought I'd find a couple of accidents that happen to be somewhat meaningful to us. The remote and a tv. Not our tv, of course. That one's from the children's museum. But of course the remote is ours. Why we have a pic of the remote, I cannot say. But here it is. What better representation of my media-addled children can I offer you? But I cannot say more. I think my favorite show is on now. See you!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This is why my kids don't do the news. But it'd be funny.

So does anyone know how to change the order of the pictures that get posted? The video was supposed to show up first. Anyway, this is cute niece Emmalee.
Here we are at the Discovery Gateway. It was a last minute decision. But it broke my heart. Hayden was too old for pretty much everything there. Emily was close behind. Only Tate could have stayed for hours. I don't want them to grow up. Not cool.
Very cool water play area.
Ah, marimbas bring such a joyous sound to the world.

Finally, the thing you came here to see, my kids behind the news desk. Wow.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Mourning the disappearing Christmas decorations.

The first week in January is sad sometimes, because all the pretty stuff gets put away. So here I will mourn our decor.
the tree is stripped and waiting to go to the green recycling place. I will miss the smell. sigh.
It's hard to tell that our icicle lights are red and white in a picture. I miss seeing everyone's lights when I'm driving around. sigh.