Mike happened to be walking past and I told him to stop and be in the pic--the overall effect wasn't what I wanted, but the smile on Mike's face is. That's the kind of smile I have trouble getting from him when I take his pic alone. But that's a real smile, and it's for Emily!

They all need some more editing, but I wanted to put something up on the blog that was cheerful.
PS thanks for all your love and support and kind words. I can't say how much I appreciate it. Really.
Cute pictures and that is a good smile on Mike. I like Hayden's smile, too.
Is that our garage in Mackay?
Cute is right!
You certainly have photography talents. I am SO far behind in that department. ; S LOL!
Glad to see that you are having some fun through all of this. You still are in our prayers Tonya!
I love your pictures! Want to take my family pictures? I need some cute ones! :)
Great pictures! I LOVE the first one! it kinda got me all teary! I blame being pregnant..
Tonya, you are so nice and pretty and talented and amazing and I am glad to call you my sister!
Yes, Mom, it is your garage in Mackay. These are some of the photos that Tonya took after church when we were up there, the weekend before Tonya fell off the ladder. Back when she could ride 4-wheelers. Which I'm sure will happen again soon because she's getting better so quickly.
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