Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm ready to move.

Six months ago I thought about what would happen if Mike lost his job. I thought I'd be devastated to leave my home and yard and friends and great ward. I do still love those things, but I don't know if it's worth it anymore. I want to leave. I am ready to go.

Last night at the school board meeting I was sick. Watching the ignorant, angry, ugly, virolent exchange made me sick. People were not behaving like adults. On both sides. Grasping at straws, holding up flimsy arguments, twisting the truth. I thought Brigham was a nice small town. I guess it is until you disagree. People north of Brigham in the even smaller towns hate Brigham people so much that they'll stick it to 'em whenever they can. What the heck? Why live like that?? It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Do I need a gun for the grocery store? It wouldn't surprise me. Give me the big city where I won't see people who hate me at Wal Mart.

I know this is a knee-jerk reaction. We're not going anywhere. It's going to take a long time, though, before I can forget the ugliness of last night. I'm not reaching out again for a while. My foray into the community has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Good thing I have a husband who still believes people are basically good. 'Cause I don't.


Kelly.Chick said...

Hey! If you move, move HERE! :)

Sorry about all the crap.

Andrea Hardman said...

Or here! We'll take you! ;) Is it always like that or is this in response to a particularl issue? I never acctually went to one of those meetings.

Marni & James said...

That sucks Tonya. You can always move back to the Great White North! We all love you up here :)

Kristi Beth said...

I agree with Marni!

Veater Family said...

Sorry to get you all excited but The Adams are here to stay! I hear ya Tonya. The meeting was a bit harsh.

Lynn said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear that. But you know could happen anywhere like that these days.

Same situation, just different faces.

Sad, I know.. I think you are needed in your community. Stick with what you believe. Stand up for the right, and your kids will always admire you for it.

There is this saying that Dean and I have eventually turned into our family motto. Even our kids say it now sometimes.

"We sit on the front pew, 'cause we are there for the Lord. If we end up sitting alone, so be it." ; D

I know. It's easier said than done. IT can be darn right mean and nasty to get to that point...

I know you have a really BIG and good heart. That's all that matters. Sorry you have to "pump into" people that don't feel the same way.


iamwright said...

Have I never told you about the WalMart incident? Lynn started walking off without me and told me to go the other way. See there are bad people everywhere...even at WalMart in big cities. Sorry you had such a bad time.

Mike A said...

I already told you, if I lose my job I become a super-villain to fight against the current world and make it a better place by provided good jobs and lives for nice people, just like Hank Scorpio.

Julie Geldmacher said...

Move here. I would love to have you. We have the same school problems, but it always works out. Just stay your fun self. We love you!

Michele said...

So, I have to admit I'm curious about the meeting, but I suppose that's not the point. This morning I was just wondering if my perceptions about small towns and my memories of Brigham were just me and maybe it isn't so bad and maybe everywhere is more culturally diverse and understanding of others like I think it is here, but that might just be me too since I haven't gotten involved in debates much- actually now that I think about it, when it comes to school changes it seems to bring out the worst in people. Now that I'm jogging my memory there was an incident just last year that I decided to stay out of and when we first moved here I remember being embarrassed about what people were telling me they proudly said at a court meeting open to the public. I'm sorry is all I can say. Maybe you could use a vacation to Minnesota :)

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Krystal said...

Oh Tonya - I hope it is a memory that fades sooner...than later!! I would HATE, absolutely HATE it if you left! You are one of those people that has so much passion for all things and it makes the world a better place wherever you are. One things for sure, our ward/neighborhood wouldn't be the same without you. Honestly, I think I'd cry if you left. So, on that note - don't make me cry!!!