This is an electric perm machine. It is quite frightening in person, used in the 1940's. It was part of a display of beauty shop and barber shop items in the Fairview Museum.

Just part of a collection of hats. I love old hats. They had dress patterns, clothes, shoes, etc.

This is how much the kids loved the museum. They were tired, hungry, too warm, they said. Not pictured is Emily, who was too scared of most of the exhibits. Sigh.

The beautiful Manti temple. After the pageant.

More pretty temple, stupid scaffolding and lights ruining my photo.

The kids, passing around a story to kill time.

Tate must have set his DS down at the moment I snapped this. Otherwise, you'd see four people and four DS's. I took pictures. I have no attention span for games.
We'd never been to the Manti pageant, and we figured the kids were just the right ages to appreciate it. We camped at a joke of a campground (well, if you have an RV it'd be ok) just around the corner from the temple so that we could walk there and back. The time waiting for dark wasn't as bad as I'd expected, except for Mike, who sneezed a lot. The crowds weren't as bad as I'd expected, either. We all really enjoyed the pageant, and that was the important part. We all felt the Spirit, and giving my kids that experience made up for the less enjoyable parts of the weekend.
On the way home, on a whim Mike stopped in Fairview to see the city's museum. It was much more than you'd expect in a place like that. Tons of artifacts, collections of all kinds of things, and a huge collection of Avard Fairbanks' work. Impressive. We didn't stay as long as we'd like to because our kids were not so impressed. Sigh.
The drive home seemed 3 or 4 times longer than the drive there. That ever happen to you?