This is the unbelievable strawberry Emily had to photograph before eating.

This is lovely Mantua reservoir. Everyone but Hayden went fishing, because Mike had Monday off. It wasn't too catching-ish, especially for me because afterward, I discovered the point of my hook was broken off. sigh. But it was fun to be outside.

Tate and Mike

Mike's huge bass.

We grabbed dinner in Logan and ate it at the park by the first dam. The kids are silly. You knew that.

Way cute baby ducks.

Tate suggested that this would make a good picture. He was right. It was also the only spot at the second dam where no one was fishing. Talk about crowded!

Tate's 25¢ mustache. hayden has one too, but it is scarily the same color as his hair and in the right light, looks like a band aid. heh heh.
That bass was so huge I had to use forceps to pick it up because my fingers were too big. Okay, not really, but close.
Why do your boys want to grow up so fast? They just can't wait for facial hair can they? :)
Nice pictures! And a very photo worthy strawberry.
Mike -- Ya, that bass is huge. Did you break out the 8 weight to get it in?
It was odd. I was catching half tiny bass and half bluegill all together, all about the same size. That hasn't happened to me there before. Weird.
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