Yes, we found five of these fine turkeys in our yard last week. They have pretty good timing. Mike says it's like Abraham's ram in the thicket. I don't really think that it compares because we aren't exactly starving. And we would need to be starving, and near death, for me to be able to pluck and gut and clean an animal. Ick. Who knew living here would put us so in touch with nature. The italics signal sarcasm and disdain. I like pretending that my meat just appeared on a foam tray. And there's a reason they call rodents pests. The deer poop and eat my garden. Did I leave anything out???
There really hasn't been too much excitement at our house lately. Hayden had a band concert. That wasn't at our house, so it doesn't count. Emily had a pinewood derby, and that wasn't at our house, either. Tate doesn't have anything new to tell you, because no girls have kissed him for months and months now. We got flu shots. That wasn't at our house, either.
Have a nice week.