Yes, we found five of these fine turkeys in our yard last week. They have pretty good timing. Mike says it's like Abraham's ram in the thicket. I don't really think that it compares because we aren't exactly starving. And we would need to be starving, and near death, for me to be able to pluck and gut and clean an animal. Ick. Who knew living here would put us so in touch with nature. The italics signal sarcasm and disdain. I like pretending that my meat just appeared on a foam tray. And there's a reason they call rodents pests. The deer poop and eat my garden. Did I leave anything out???
There really hasn't been too much excitement at our house lately. Hayden had a band concert. That wasn't at our house, so it doesn't count. Emily had a pinewood derby, and that wasn't at our house, either. Tate doesn't have anything new to tell you, because no girls have kissed him for months and months now. We got flu shots. That wasn't at our house, either.
Have a nice week.
I don't recall seeing that much wildlife when I lived there. That's just plain crazy.. who has Turkeys running around? Hope the deers leave some of your garden.
I've never seen a wild turkey outside of a zoo in my life. Then five wild turkeys walk through our yard the week before Thanksgiving. How can this not mean something? At the very least, it shows that if the world falls apart and we are starving, turkeys can still wander into our yard. Or it's just means the world is awesome, which I can live with.
I look forward to the upcoming day when I will once again have a house to not have anything exciting at. And I never got to see the spiders or turkeys and rarely the deer. But I'm with you on almost wanting to choose starvation over plucking and gutting a newly dead turkey.
How great to see that! We had them in Kansas and I've seen one by the road in Idaho. Hope you don't see the muted rattlesnake that we had in our garage there. I've never seen one anywhere else outside of the zoo. I don't blame you on the plucking and cleaning. I did chickens and it was not fun, but if I had to, I could do it.
Enjoy your nature!
It's good to see that we're not the only ones under attack from nature, but we like it, except the mink. I don't think I like them much. I do have to admit that your turkeys look nicer than the ones up here.
That's pretty cool. I wouldn't have guessed you'd have them in your yard there. I want to see some photos of a mountain lion in your yard, if one shows up, give me a call and I'll drive down to see it. Maybe even one munching on a turkey. We get lots of turkeys around here, not in my yard, but around town. Guess it means you should have ham for Thanksgiving.
Love them!
I'll have to keep an eye out for a mountain lion. Tonya thought she spotted one sneaking through the trees on the mountain once which is possible. One has been living in the little canyon up behind us off and on the last few years... As long as I see it before it sees me and gets excited...
yes, I get excited when I see you too! You are quite delicious! Smooch!
Hello Tonyam this is Estela, a friend of Mike's. I am from Spain,where he served his mission, I told him I had a blog from my family and he sent me yours, :) i would like to give you our address:
Can I keep you on my list of friend in my blog??
I am glad we kept in touch and can see how "Elder Adam's" life is going.
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