So a few nights ago I was on the computer to do something and everyone else was in bed, even Mike. I was cranky, it was late, and I made a super-snarky post about mushy-brag posts, and I even posted it. I went upstairs, and five minutes later I was back downstairs deleting it. So there you go, that's why I had no new post from the weekend. Aren't you glad you clicked here just to know that???
I hope you were not grumbling about me and a mushy brag post. Do I mushy brag? Let me know, if I do,let me know because I do not want to.
Oh yeah! What a great looking family you have. I hope we get to see you soon.
Darn that concience (or however you spell it) But I guess erasing it was probably easier than cleaning up any hurt feelings afterward would have been. Still, I wish I'd been online in those 5 minutes. Sometimes you just need a good dose of snarkyness.
Hmm.. you should call me to chat. I enjoy the snarky. :)
Glad you are feeling better.
I read it for the pictures.
I hope I don't get to mushy. It is so tempting when I look at cute pictures of good time. Your pictures are really good, by the way.
Love you, (oops) I hope that is not mushy.
I think I must be too old and don't know the hip terms you are using. But I sure like the pictures and the one of Paul and Emily just about made me cry, and then the one of Tate and his ladys brought back memories of that tree at bunderson and how I would love it after it rained because the rain collects good in all the roots. Thanks for all the happiness!!
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