I'm sorry! I deleted that snarky post to avoid making anyone feel bad, but in mentioning it, I made people feel bad. I promise that if you even a tiny bit worried that it might be you, then it wasn't you. :) I ought to make a time limit for myself: no posts after 10 pm. Anything I say after that time I can't be held responsible for. :)
PS--how do I make the text come first, with the darn pictures underneath it?
PPS have a lovely Sabbath, everyone!
Were you at Red Robin on Friday too?
No, that's from back on Hayden's birthday. Good catch, though.
It was great to chat with you the other day and we hope to see you soon. Also, upload your pictures first and then type your text above the photos. Does that make sense?
On the text thing, when you upload your pictures there's a spot that says select layout. Choose "Center". Then your text won't wrap around your pictures.
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