Here's a picture of my mom and dad. This June will be my parent's 40th anniversary. We're not having a party this year because my brother is getting married. So next year we'll have a big huge party. With mints that really are mints and not pats of butter in fancy shapes. Maybe I'll go nuts and get chocolate transfer sheets. You should check them out--pretty dang cool. Now would be a good time for me to wax gushy about my wonderful parents because they are wonderful. But I'm a private person (don't laugh, I really am about personal things) and I try to tell them that I love them and appreciate them as often as possible by note or by phone. So here's to long happy marriages!
To long happy marriages!
Your picture of your parents is a really nice photo.
Hey, I know them!
They are such a cute couple! YAY for their 40 years!
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