The very entertaining and very stinky sea lions!

the lovely Yaquina Bay bridge

the lovely Yaquina Bay

Even the bathroom at Mo's was cool! This is the light fixture in the bathroom.

Mike and one of the many awesome murals!

My phone didn't make Em look good, but the whales are sooo cool!

Underside of a bat ray!


Scary huge crabs from Japan-spider crabs

the turtle's gonna get Mike!

Hayden naps on a whale...

Em and one of her favorite creatures--a seal
This is just like on TV when people invited their friends over to watch slides of their vacation photos. Poor you! The photo quality is not great because I forgot the camera on these two jaunts and had to use my phone. :(
Looks like so much fun! I'm glad to see that Mike was not crushed or eaten by the turtle.
I love slide shows of people that I love. Thanks so much for even the poor pictures. I like the one of the turtle eating Mike, too. It looks so pretty there on the water.
Yea!!! I am so glad you guys went to Oregon and had fun. We LOVE it there and wish we were there now. I wish I would have gone in the bathroom at Mo's now. By the way Izzys is the bomb!
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